Bella Richard
Call: 734-693-9216

Sample blog post

Select existing categories that apply to the post in the left column above and click the arrow to move them to the right column as selected. Click the green plus symbol to the right of the two category boxes above to add a new category.

Click Meta data below to add comma-separated keywords. Those will be used as "tags" for the post.

Upload an image for the post by clicking on the blue Featured image icon above. The image will automatically be placed to the left of the summary on the blog post list page, and to the right of the post on the post detail page. It's important that each post have an image for display consistency. You could always just retain a sample image for posts that you really don't have an image for, or use the opportunity to post pics of beautiful Bella randomly there.

Choose whether you want people to be able to comment on the posts below. You will have the opportunity to approve their comments before they show up on the site.

Once you have multiple posts entered, you can choose similar posts that a viewer might be interested in under "Other posts" below. Those will show at the bottom of the post detail page with a comment like, "Other posts you may be interested in:"